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About this Project

This website was developed for my Capstone Project as a culmination of the Design, Cultures and Creativity Honors program at the University of Maryland, College Park. The focus of this program was to get students to think creatively about the intersections of humanities and technology, and I decided to represent this through a multimedia storytelling venture. Inspired by a desire to preserve my own family stories, I began to look at the different ways in which immigrants from around the world remain connected to their cultures of origin as they navigate life in the United States. Each narrative was so diverse and fascinating; some immigrants connected through cooking, others through music and dance, and, increasingly, through various social media communities. I decided to use this lens to highlight the uniqueness of different immigrant stories.

The final product was this website, a small collection of stories that together represent the challenges, triumphs and beauty of the immigrant experience. I hope that by learning about these individuals, you were as inspired as I was. A special thank you to Cindy Shou, Constantine Kallaur, and Ly Kallaur for not only being wonderful interviewees, but also for being very special people in my own life.

Stay tuned for new stories to be explored shortly! You can reach me with any comments, suggestions or questions at

-Alexandra Kallaur

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